Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A look at the Kenyan cohort

The Kenyan cohort is now complete with a total of 345 nursing students recruited to the cohort study.We are proud to present a snapshot of our group!

Majority of Kenyan cohort members are female (75%) with male participants making up 25% of the group, compared to South Africa where 84% of their cohort members are female and 14% are male.The oldest cohort member in Kenya is 52 years old, the Thai cohort reported their oldest member to be 25 years old while the oldest member in South Africa is 56 years old. The average age of the Kenyan cohort is 31 years similar to South Africa.

Kenyan cohort members described their hometowns to be: very rural 148 (43%), relatively rural 21 (6%), town 112 (33%) and city 63 (18%), The number of those born in rural areas is close to that of South Africa where just below 50% of cohort members were born in rural areas, but different from the Thai cohort where majority (83%) were born in rural areas.

A large proportion of the Kenyan cohort comes from Eastern province (30%), followed by Central province (23%), Western province (17%), the others are distributed in Rift valley province, Nyanza province, Nairobi province and Coast province which contributes (3%).

While none of the Thai cohort members had started their own families at the time of data collection, 42% of the Kenyan cohort members indicated they were married. Of 190 Kenyan members with children, close to 60% have one to two children.

Verification of contact details was successfully done, most members had maintained their contact details from data collection to the time when verification was done. Cohort members are expected to sit Nursing council examinations later on this month, we wish all the students success in their exams!

We shall keep sharing exciting news to keep all the cohort study members from Kenya, South Africa and Thailand posted!